v 1.71 (current)
Bug Fixes:
Bugs fixed in debug mode when the "Simple" workflow is selected
v 1.70
Added features:
During quick editing, the volumes that are visible in the editor camera are recalculated first (prioritized view)
Scene GUI for adding/removing objects that bound the scene from below (Tools -> Magic Light Probes -> Scene GUI)
Managing a list of objects that bounds the scene from below from the main component interface
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug in the inspector of the "MLP Quick Editing" component, which did not allow it to display correctly
Errors in the algorithm for arranging probes along geometry are fixed
Compute shaders do not work on OpenGL < 4.3 for Windows and Linux. For macOS only Metal Render is supported. Software verification added
A method has been found in the search code for probes located below ground/floor that slows down the system if there are many objects on the scene.
Errors in the "MLP Quick Editing" component - index out of range
The wrong plugin’s work path makes it impossible to work system correctly
v 1.68 (micro patch)
Added features:
Added workflow switch - Simple (quick and easy); Advanced (slower and more accurate)
v 1.67
Added features:
After clicking the "Add Volume ..." button in the manager, a new volume is created in front of the camera
Bug Fixes:
Data for quick editing is saved even after a scene is reloaded
v 1.66
Added features:
Added the ability to forcibly disable an algorithm that tries to automatically prevent light leaks through walls
Added an example of an indoor scene
v 1.65
Added features:
More visual display of volumes on scene
Handles for volume size control
Ability to quickly edit the distance between the probes in the corners
Cancel button during volumes combining process
Bug Fixes:
In some cases, the probes are erroneously placed below the level of the probe ground/floor
The "MLP Quick Editing" component recalculated only for the last part of the total volume
Errors in the search algorithm for probes at the range borders of the light source
The option to adjust the distance between the probes in the corners (Corners Probe Spacing) is again available
Important documentation changes (be sure to read the Quick Start section before use)
v 1.6
Added features:
Quick editing of volume parameters after calculation
Equivalent Volume Filling (GPU)
Unlit Volume Filling (GPU)
Color Threshold
GPU acceleration for some passes of calculation
Display progress in editor status bar
Bug Fixes:
In rare cases, probes were erroneously placed inside the geometry
Incorrect partner volume for a light source
Probes removed from combined volume after scene reload
Incorrect type of light source in HDRP mode
Temporarily disabled the ability to set the distance between the probes in the corners
v 1.5
Added features:
The calculation can now be performed even if the editor window is out of focus
Ability to quickly edit in real-time some parameters of the calculated volume (in the current version it is only "Color Threshold")
The light sources in the "Lights" tab of the manager are now sorted by type and mode
Bug fixes:
A pop-up window asking to add plug-in main component to the scene in the prefab editing mode
Recalculation of automatic volume separation is started only after the mouse button is released
v 1.4.3
Added features:
HDRP Light Source Support (experimental)
v 1.4.2
Added features:
Added ability to install probes in manual mode with one click ("MLP Combined Volume" component)
Bug fixes:
The "MagicLightProbes.DependencyChecker.DoesTypeExist()" method throws an exception in some cases, which blocks code compilation
The first time you add the "MLP Volume" component to the scene, all non-static objects are deactivated
Minor fixes in DependencyChecker.cs file
v 1.4.1
Bug fixes:
Non-optimal code in the "Find Geometry Edges" pass (with a large number of objects on the scene, the editor freezes for a long time)
ETA calculation algorithm is now more accurate
v 1.4
Added features:
Saving a scene before calculation
ETA for calculating automatically divided volumes
Volume optimization for mixed lighting
Bug fixes:
Terrain irregularities are perceived as geometry edges
Colliders are still duplicated in debug mode
Geometry intersection detection does not work correctly in some modes
On some objects marked as static, colliders are duplicated during the calculation
Restoring scene state after calculation in "Debug Mode" works with errors
Violation of the queue for calculating volumes (when there are several on the scene)
Culling by equivalent color works with errors
Wrong progress counter in Removing Unused Points pass
The endlessly repeating warning "This component will be automatically disabled when baking." When the main component is disabled in hierarchy
Invalid value of probes number counter after calculation
Warning in console "Releasing render texture that is set to be!"
Errors in the console after building the project
Minor changes in the interface of the main component
v 1.3
Added features:
Lock settings during calculation
Automatic division of large volumes into smaller ones
Customizable spacing between probes in corners
Removing probes with equivalent color neighbors
New component "MLP Force Save Probes" for objects that need to be forced to evenly fill probes
Automatic installation of probes at the edges of the geometry
Bug fixes:
Incorrect light source type assignment in "MLP Light" component
Scripting Define Symbols are not assigned at the right time (Added ability to force dependency checking)
Some disabled objects are not activated after calculation
Progress in "Debug Mode" now displays correctly
Erroneous message that the light source is outside the calculation volume
Manager window moved to Tools -> Magic Light Probes -> MLP Manager
Added menu item for forced dependency checking Tools -> Magic Light Probes -> Check Dependencies
Added menu item Tools -> Magic Light Probes -> About MLP...
v 1.2
Added features:
Bakery GPU Lightmapper integration (support all light types)
Probes optimization after volume combination
More visual display of Gizmo for some light sources
Highlighting console MLP messages
Detailed progress bar in the manager
New "Global Settings" tab in the manager (editing general settings for all volumes)
Bug fixes:
Invalid demo shader
Fixed bugs in probes placement algorithms
Fixed a bug due to which the baking involved probes that should have been disabled
Manager window moved to Windows -> MLP Manager
Bug fixes:
Uncontrolled duplication of an object "-- MLP Combined Volume --" in 2019.2 or newer
v 1.1
Added features:
Duplication to a specified height with a given step
The calculation mode "One by one" (for a large number of volumes on the scene)
Progress bars in the manager window
Bug fixes:
The manager window does not update the list of volumes when the volume is duplicated on the scene
Rare cases of light probes placement far beyond the volume
Double light probes near geometry
Uncontrolled duplication of an object "-- MLP Combined Volume --"
Invalid shader for displaying light probe positions in debug mode
Exception during scene unloading
Error restoring scene state after calculation
v 1.0
First release.
Last updated
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