Please read this section carefully, your problem may be described here.

My scene is too big, placing the volume slows down the editor

For large scenes, it is recommended to use several calculation volumes. They can be added using the "Add Volume..." button (Tools -> Magic Light Probes -> MLP Manager) or simply duplicate any of the added volumes on the scene. It is also recommended to use the "Probes Count Limit" parameter in the “Basic Parameters” tab. The larger the value of this parameter, the smaller the number of sub-volumes the main volume will be divided. The maximum value is 500,000.

The calculation takes a long time

Several parameters should be noted

  • Probes Spacing

  • Corners Detection Threshold

Probes Spacing parameter directly affects the final volume density. The lower this value, the denser the probes will be installed. In some cases, it is recommended to use one large volume with large spacing and smaller volumes in places that require a more detailed calculation. An example of such a scene - Examples -> Terrain in the plugin folder.

Corners Detection Threshold parameter affects the accuracy of the corners and geometry intersection detection. This calculation is performed before the main calculation. Do not use too low values ​​of this parameter in volumes that do not require a detailed calculation, this can greatly slow down the calculation.

The description of the plugin states that it uses multithreading, but the load on my processor is almost always very low

Unity is not a multi-threaded engine, so access to most native APIs is not possible from parallel threads. Thus, multithreading is used only in some calculation passes, mainly it is work with large arrays. You may notice a short increase in processor load during the calculation - at these moments multithreading is used. This happens pretty quickly, so you may not notice it at all. Some passes also use GPU acceleration for calculation.

After the calculation, there are no light probes on the scene

Possible solutions:

  • If "Advanced Workflow" mode selected, You should make sure that the “MLP Light” component is added to the light sources

  • Before starting the calculation, the system disables all objects on the scene that are not marked as static. Make sure that your geometry is not a child of one of these objects, and if so, mark the root object as static.

Last updated

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