Main Component
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This is the main component of the system, it is used to configure, debug and calculate volume.
This option allows you to select a workflow.
Simple - In this workflow, the position of the light sources and their properties are not taken into account. You only need to add volume to the scene, make the minimum settings and click the calculation button. This allows you to calculate faster and does not require additional configuration.
Max Value
The maximum value of the upper limit of the parameter "Probes Spacing".
Probes Spacing
The lower spacing, the longer the calculation will take. Typically, a value of 0.4 is sufficient.
Corners Detection Threshold
The accuracy of determining intersections of geometry.
Corner Probe Spacing
Distance between probes installed at intersections of geometry.
Distance From Geometry
The distance by which the probes will be moved away from the geometry.
Probes Count Limit
If your volume is too large, it will automatically be divided into parts for faster calculation and memory saving. If the number of probes in the volume exceeds this value, then it will be divided.
Ground And Floor Objects
Use these options to select objects that border the scene below. No probes will be installed below such objects. It is assumed that in such areas the player cannot be and lighting is not needed there.
The "Probes Spacing" parameter is needed to adjust the calculation accuracy. The lower the value, the more accurate the calculation. Keep in mind that not in all cases and not on all scenes, high accuracy means a good result.
The "Probes Count Limit" parameter determines how many points can be placed in the volume for calculation. This is not the final number of probes in volume. This parameter determines how many parts the volume will be divided to optimize the calculation speed.
Using these options, you can configure in detail how the volume will be filled in during the calculation. The set of options varies for different "Filling Modes", as well as for Workflows.
Exclude Light From Process
The indicated light sources will be excluded from the calculation in this volume.
Max Height Above Geometry
All probes above the geometry whose height is higher than the specified value will be culled.
Max Height Above Terrain
All probes above the terrain whose height is higher than the specified value will be culled.
Collision Detection Layers
Selected layers will be taken into account in the calculation.
Collision Detection Radius
Probes in which geometry is detected in the specified radius will be excluded from the calculation.
Consider Distances To Lights
If checked, then the calculation will take into account the distance to the light sources.
Filling Mode
In Advanced workflow mode MLP can work in three different fill modes. Separate Filling, Vertical Duplicate, and Full Filling.
In the “Separate Filling” mode, the volume will be divided into sub-volumes. This is a fully automatic mode that takes into account contrast areas (shadows, color changes, changes in light intensity, unlit areas, range and angles of light sources).
In the "Vertical Duplication" mode, the probes will be located along the geometry and then duplicated to the specified height with the specified step.
In the "Full Filling" mode, the probes will be located evenly throughout the volume. All probes inside the geometry will be automatically deleted.
Light Intensity Threshold
The accuracy of the culling of probes by light intensity. The lower accuracy, the greater the range of probes will be considered equivalent and will be culled.
Color Threshold
The threshold for determining the color equivalence of neighboring probes.
Fill Equivalent Volume
If checked, then the volume of culled probes according to the light intensity will be filled.
Filling Rate - Density of filling the volume. 1 - full filling.
Fill Unlit Volume
If checked, the volume of unlit probes will be filled.
Filling Rate - Density of filling the volume. 1 - full filling.
Optimize For Mixed Lighting
Check this option if your scene uses only mixed-mode lights. All parts of the volume that do not contain any geometry will be removed and this will increase the calculation speed.
Try Prevent Walls Light Leakage
Check this option to enable an algorithm that attempts to automatically prevent lighting leaks from neighboring rooms. From probes that are on the other side of the wall.
The “Color Threshold” parameter defines the range of colors that will be considered equivalent, the higher this value, the wider the range.
In debug mode, you can configure each of the volume calculation passes in detail. In this mode, instead of adding probes to the target Light Probe Group, debugging objects will be added to the scene.
“Debug Object Scale” adjusts the scale of the objects.
In some passes, rendering modes are available:
Accepted - only accepted probes
Culled - only culled probes
Both - all probes
Accepted probes are displayed in green, culled probes are displayed in red.
Maximum Height
Culling results at maximum height.
Geometry Collision
Culling results of probes that are inside the geometry.
Geometry Intersections
Only probes at intersections of geometry and in corners.
Near Geometry
The results of the arrangement of probes nearby geometry.
Out Of Range
Culling results of probes that are outside the range of the light sources.
Out Of Range Borders
Only probes that are out of range of light sources.
Shading Borders
Only probes that are at the borders of the shading.
Contrast Areas
All probes that are in contrast zones.
Near Lights
Only probes located near light sources.
Light Intensity
The probes will be colored according to the light level.
Green - high intensity. Red - low / unlit.
Unlit Probes
Only unlit probes.
Equal Probes
Only probes with equivalent light intensity.
Geometry Edges
Only probes generated at the edges of the geometry.
Equal Color
Color Equivalence сculling results.
Advanced - This workflow requires the addition of the "" component to all light sources that must be taken into account during the calculation. This allows you to achieve more accurate results, but also requires fine tuning of each light source.